La maison des voisins
Marie-Claire has posted:Une jolie archive de saison :) Je suis debout,mais ne mets pas encore le nez dehors.Merci à vous de votre si gentille compassion ...:)
View ArticleLa petite maison rouge
Marie-Claire has posted:En allant faire des courses en Allemagne.Archive
View ArticleSilos Des Bastions
tarboat has posted:These reinforced concrete silos adjacent to the Scheldt at Tournai were originally built to hold locally produced cement. The first four were constructed in 1922 and the second four...
View ArticleBelgië - Brugge, Begijnhof
Jaap van 't Veen has posted:The 'Prinselijk Begijnhof Ten Wijngaarde’ (Princely Beguinage Ten Wijngaarde) with its white-coloured house fronts and tranquil convent garden was founded in 1245. This...
View ArticleDouce Belgique
Gemme has posted:Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons. Sur la frontière Franco Belge, coté gauche c'est la France , coté droit la Belgique Le Parc du Lion , un endroit...
View ArticleRotary
tarboat has posted:Disused rotary cement kiln in the limestone quarrying area around Ampsin near Liège in Belgium.
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